Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is exploring the possibility of a sequel to their 2023 hit, Hi-Fi Rush. During a discussion with IGN, Colin Mack, the studio head, hinted that a continuation of the game is on their minds, though he was careful not to officially confirm any development plans.
“We’re looking at the idea of a sequel in a positive light,” Mack shared with IGN. “However, we’re not yet in a position to declare, ‘This is exactly what we’re going to pursue.'”
Adding to the conversation, Hi-Fi Rush director John Johanas pointed out that there’s a lot of affection for the game within their team. “A lot of our staff truly cherish Hi-Fi Rush, which gives us plenty of options to consider. Right now, we’re in the phase of evaluating these different opportunities,” Johanas explained.
In tandem with these thoughts, project manager Kazuaki Egashira highlighted what sets Tango apart—its commitment to innovative experiences. “Hi-Fi Rush gained traction as a fresh intellectual property, but stagnation would eventually render it obsolete,” Egashira remarked.
“I believe Tango Gameworks thrives on embracing new challenges. I hope we can continue working in a way that centers around our developers without losing the passionate drive that defines us,” he added.