On Tuesday, the Epic Games X account stirred up excitement with a teaser about their latest collaboration. Fans can gear up for the arrival of Skibidi Toilet and friends in Fortnite, set to join the virtual world on Wednesday. While the official account kept details under wraps, trusty leakers have stepped in to spill the beans on what players can anticipate. Notably, SpushFNBR revealed that this collaboration will introduce a slew of cosmetic items available in the Fortnite shop. Players can look forward to snagging the Plungerman Outfit, Skibidi Backpack and Toilet Back Blings, along with Plungerman’s Plunger Pickaxe. The complete set is slated to be priced at 2,200 V-bucks.
Though it may seem a bit pricey, it’s worth considering that the holiday season is fast approaching. So, why not make it memorable by gifting your favorite Fortnite fan the quirky Skibidi Toilet cosmetic bundle?