Tripwire Presents and Ice Code Games have teamed up to deliver Rogue Waters, a turn-based tactical roguelite RPG that plunges you into a mature and supernatural-infused pirate adventure. In this game, you’ll step into the shoes of Captain Cutter, a pirate leader entangled in a dangerous web of power struggles and a thirst for revenge. The story kicks off as you reach the Temple of the Goddess alongside Captain Blackbone. Spotting the coveted treasure, Blackbone commands you to take it. But as soon as you do, strange things begin to unfold—like a voice inside your head and the loss of an eye due to an ominous crystal radiating blue energy. Unsurprisingly, Blackbone isn’t pleased, demanding a knife to try to extract the crystal forcibly. But you’re not about to let that happen. Barely managing to break free, you find yourself alone, tasked with assembling your crew to ultimately confront Blackbone, who has turned against you. As a little plot twist, you also discover that you’ve been absent from the living world for a whopping fourteen years, so expect everything to be different.
As you embark on this adventure, you have the choice of four difficulty settings: Story, Normal, Hard, and Heroic I. Story mode is perfect for those who wish to savor the narrative without worrying too much about aggressive enemies. Normal delivers the game’s standard experience, offering a balanced challenge with a modest 10% bonus in XP, Blueprints, and Glass. Crank it up with Hard mode, where adversaries are tougher, but you also get a more handsome 20% bonus. For the ultimate test, Heroic I offers an extremely challenging experience with its perks, including a 30% bonus, setting the stage for even greater challenges in future loops.
As you traverse Rogue Waters, you’ll engage in numerous skirmishes. These battles see your pirate crew pitted against rivals dumb enough to cross paths with you. Each skirmish gives your crew and enemies one turn per round, and your primary objective is clear: eliminate all foes. Units can move and attack, generally ending their turn with any attack, inflicting consistent low damage while possibly pushing an enemy unit. This can be strategically used to inflict additional damage, especially if you manage to back up an enemy against a solid object. And yes, units can even be bumped into other units during these skirmishes.
At the onset of a skirmish, you’ll deploy up to four units. Choose wisely which members you wish to send into action and where to position them, then lock in your choices by holding the Triangle button to initiate the fight. Navigating these battles involves controlling a cursor to select units, with the camera adjustable by the right analog stick. Each unit typically moves up to two cells within limitations, though these limits can change based on active buffs or debuffs.
Prepare abilities play a critical role, enabling units to brace for impact, heal slightly, and gain armor for a temporary defense. This tactic is particularly effective against long-range foes. It’s also essential to observe each ship’s layout for interactive elements that can aid you in combat, such as ropes that allow extended movement. Victory is achieved either by defeating all enemies or filling the fear gauge. The latter fills up when extra damage beyond what’s needed to finish enemies is applied, eventually causing them to flee.
Upon victory, you return to the Region Map, plotting your course through assorted nodes reminiscent of typical roguelite (and roguelike) maps. These nodes can present hostile ships ripe for plunder, ports for shopping, event nodes for unexpected twists, or raid locations to storm.
Engaging an enemy ship shifts combat to the sea for several rounds. Command Points (CP) are crucial, used wisely for firing cannons. Choose your target—be it cannons for crippling return fire or crew members for easier boardings. Larger opponents boast more CP, presenting higher risks yet more significant potential loot. And when it comes to Raids, they blend your combat units with mythical sea creatures you’ve rescued, such as summoning the mighty Kraken to strike the battlefield with a giant tentacle!
At Pirate’s Cove, your central base, spend resources to enhance your capabilities. Check over your ship at the shipyard, equipping it with hardy cannons and beneficial modules like the Fortified Quarterdeck or the Pennant of Toughness for HP boosts. The quarters offer a closer view of your crew, perfect for organizing them onto the ship and leveling up with the experience they’ve earned. Additionally, resources include Glass, a precious commodity used alongside blueprints to secure ship, crew, and sea monster upgrades or to recruit new pirates, each with unique skills.
The game features a comprehensive trophy list, including a coveted Platinum trophy for trophy hunters. Objectives include completing the prologue and subsequent acts, maximizing levels for various crew roles, and achieving comprehensive upgrade acquisitions.
In summary, Rogue Waters provides a mature, tactical pirate adventure laced with supernatural elements, captivating players with its rich narrative and strategic depth. It’s available now on PlayStation 5 for $29.99. Whether it’s through deep-sea skirmishes, assembling the ideal crew, or executing a successful raid with mythical creatures, Rogue Waters offers a thrilling and immersive experience that is both engaging and rewarding for players seeking a challenging adventure on the high seas.
This review is based on a PlayStation 5 copy provided by Tripwire Presents.