“Dreams on a Pillow” takes players on a journey through the history of the 1948 Nakba, a significant event where approximately 700,000 individuals were forced from their homes amidst the Zionist occupation. This immersive video game experience is crafted by Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh.
Before diving deeper into this new project, it’s worth revisiting Abu-Eideh’s earlier work, “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” released in 2016. This game tackles the 2014 Gaza assault by Israel, known as Operation Protective Edge. In “Liyla,” players follow a young Palestinian girl and her family’s harrowing journey through the chaos of their embattled neighborhood. Despite its brief runtime, the game packs a powerful emotional punch, combining platforming elements with choose-your-own-adventure mechanics. In 2021, “Liyla” was included in an Indie Bundle Pack that impressively generated nearly $900,000 for Palestinian aid via UNRWA USA.
Today, you can access “Liyla and the Shadows of War” for free on both mobile platforms and Windows. However, back when it initially launched, it faced challenges on the Apple App Store. In 2016, Apple refused to classify it as a game, suggesting it should be labeled under “News” or “Reference” due to its political content. This decision sparked controversy, highlighted by Eurogamer, as the App Store made room for a game titled “Israeli Heroes.” After Abu-Eideh publicly criticized Apple’s stance on social media, the tech giant eventually permitted “Liyla” to be listed as a game.
As for “Dreams on a Pillow,” the project is currently seeking financial backing on LaunchGood, with the campaign running until January 13. The funds raised will be used for asset creation, outsourcing tasks, and salaries for the team of nine members working on the game. They anticipate the game’s release in the fourth quarter of 2026.