While locked in combat with a massive dragon-like drake, I found myself dodging incoming fireballs with skill and returning fire with arrows of my own. I felt invincible as none of those fiery projectiles reached me. Unfortunately, the wooden scaffolding I was standing on wasn’t as lucky. Soon enough, it was engulfed in flames and started to collapse. Being quite high up wasn’t exactly ideal, but I managed to leap down to a safer spot that hadn’t caught fire yet. In a swift move, I harnessed my magical abilities to snatch a piece of the burning structure and fling it straight back at the beast, dealing the final blow needed to end its reign of terror. In that victorious moment, I felt a surge of triumph.
My celebration was short-lived, though. As I dashed across the platform, a stray piece of debris unceremoniously sent my character into a bizarre state of physics. Suddenly, I was plummeting off the tower, crashing to the ground below—not my finest moment, but still intact, albeit a bit battered. This is just another typical day in Eternal Strands, an ambitious and entertaining action-adventure RPG that doesn’t shy away from being a bit unpredictable here and there.
– Zack Zwiezen