Ayaneo has made an exciting entrance into the market with their latest creation, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG. They’ve chosen IndieGogo as the platform to unveil this GameBoy-inspired handheld device, powered by the capable Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip. The initial response looks promising, particularly with an attractive Early Bird price that starts at just $339 USD for the base model, which includes 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. For those seeking a bit more power, there’s a high-end version available at $499 with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. Additionally, collectors might have their interest piqued by the Limited Edition “Retro Color” version, priced at $589 during the Early Bird campaign.
What really stands out with this device is its ability to handle high-end mobile games quite effortlessly. You can expect smooth gameplay, even with demanding titles like Genshin Impact, running seamlessly at 60 frames per second. Impressively, it can emulate consoles up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era without breaking a sweat. However, if you’re not planning to use it in tandem with an existing PC handheld, Valve’s Steam Deck might offer a broader range of gaming options for a similar price, albeit with an LCD display.
Digging deeper into its features, the Pocket DMG is surprisingly packed with functionality for its size and price. It offers more than just basic controls with hidden trigger buttons, motion controls, and a right-side touchpad, making it perfectly viable for gaming or streaming from your PC. The small yet effective analog stick uses hall-effect technology, which should prevent issues like drift.
Some might wonder if an OLED display is necessary at this size, but it’s not without precedent—take the Analogue Pocket with its impressive 1440p LCD. The Pocket DMG sports a 3.92-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1,240 x 1,080 pixels, covering an estimated 104% NTSC color gamut and boasting up to 450 nits brightness. This results in vibrant visuals, making it an excellent choice for retro gaming. While it won’t compete with devices like the Steam Deck OLED in the AAA gaming arena, it’s still a strong contender in its own right.
For those interested in emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG offers a premium gaming experience. The models with 12GB and 16GB of RAM may seem a bit excessive given its primary use, but they’re designed to meet the rigorous demands of today’s mobile games and advanced emulation. A smart choice would be to go for the entry-level model and expand the storage with an SD card when needed.
On the connectivity front, the device features USB 3.2 Gen 2 through a Type-C port with up to 10 Gigabits of data transfer rate, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While its wired connections are adequate for basic file transfers, the Wi-Fi 7 capability is particularly appealing, especially for features like Steam Remote Play, with speeds up to 30 Gigabits per second.
As with any crowdfunded project, it’s important to remember that support is a form of investment. Backing the Ayaneo Pocket DMG means you’re supporting a vision you believe in, but it doesn’t equate to purchasing a finished, ready-to-ship product.