Amidst recent speculation stirred up by various reports, Ayaneo’s announcement on their Ayaneo Flip Indiegogo project page left many of us thinking they were pulling the plug on the handhelds. But now, in a twist, they’ve cleared things up: the Ayaneo Flip KB and Flip DS aren’t being scrapped like many initially believed.
Instead, Ayaneo has made things a bit clearer. It turns out that while they did halt production of the Ayaneo Flip series, this decision came after successfully shipping a whopping 98% of their crowdfunding orders. Only 18 orders are still pending, which means those left hanging have the option for refunds or trade-ins, as we’ve previously mentioned.
Moreover, it’s been made clear that the Ayaneo Flip series is still going strong. Ayaneo is gearing up to create a new batch of “several hundred Ayaneo Flip units in the next three months.” They even hinted at future releases, like the potential Flip DS 2 and Flip KB 2. With several foldable or slidable keyboard gaming handhelds floating around, I personally think they should zero in on the Flip DS style, but that’s just my two cents.
For those who had their eye on the Ayaneo Flip but were waiting for a straight-up retail release rather than jumping on the crowdfunding bandwagon, this news is likely a relief. There’s talk of a “limited restock plan,” so it seems a retail launch is on the horizon. We just don’t know exactly when these new Ayaneo Flip units will be available, and, given the buzz around them, they’ll probably sell out quickly once they’re on the shelves.
Let’s hope there will be a good supply for real fans and that re-sellers don’t spoil the fun for people genuinely interested in these devices. The Ayaneo Flip KB and particularly the Ayaneo Flip DS offer something distinct in their design and impressive specs, standing out in the crowded field of gaming handhelds. It’s great to hear they’re getting another shot before their eventual next-gen upgrades arrive.
On a less cheerful note, it’s a bit of a bummer for those 18 backers still waiting on their units. They’re stuck having to decide between a refund or putting it toward another Ayaneo device by March 27, assuming the previous terms still apply. Ayaneo has said they’ve been in contact with these backers, so hopefully, they’re getting everything sorted out.