Being Jon Lindemann means fully embracing the identity and quirks that come with that role.
This week, we zeroed in on our Top Five Games of 2024. If you’re not familiar with how we approach this task at RFN, you’ll find it’s all about freedom and flexibility. Essentially, the only guiding principle is that the game should be available on a Nintendo system sometime during 2024, but even that isn’t set in stone. Ideally, yes, you’ve actually played the game in 2024, but exceptions have been made for outstanding cases.
With such wide latitude, coming to a consensus on a collective Top Five isn’t just difficult—it’s practically impossible. So, these selections are entirely personal.
Naturally, there’s some overlap in choices, especially at the coveted #1 spot, which was claimed by two of us for the same game. You’re unlikely to predict which game clinched this position, and while I’m prepared for someone to smugly assert that they did guess it, I know they’re just pulling our leg.
Feel free to share your digital fibs with us; we welcome them with a smile.
This episode owes its polished sound to Guillaume Veillette, who handled the editing. The catchy “Men of Leisure” theme was crafted just for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum—check out more of his work on SoundCloud. The iconic Radio Free Nintendo logo? That’s the creation of Connor Strickland, who showcases his talents on his website.
Wrapping up this episode, we played “Chasing After Dad,” a track from Another Code Recollection, requested by A.G. All rights remain with Nintendo Co., Ltd.