The future of Kingdom Hearts remains shrouded in mystery as fans eagerly anticipate the release of the series’ fourth main installment. Over the years, the Kingdom Hearts franchise has carved its niche, thanks to its distinctive connection with Disney. Fusing elements of Final Fantasy with Disney’s vast universe has made this series a delightful blend that surprisingly complements each component. With Kingdom Hearts 4 on the horizon, speculation is rife about which recent Disney stories might be featured.
It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since the launch of Kingdom Hearts 3, and in that span, Disney has rolled out numerous hits. As a global media titan, Disney continuously churns out new content, and while not every project hits the mark, some, like Moana 2, have truly shone. The original Moana film, released in 2016, was surprisingly absent from Kingdom Hearts 3, but that could change with upcoming releases.
### A Moana World in Kingdom Hearts Feels More Possible Than Ever
Moana stands out as one of Disney’s more successful animated series in recent memory. With its magical elements and its setting in the grandiose landscape of ancient Polynesia, Moana embodies everything that makes a Kingdom Hearts world beautifully engaging for players. Furthermore, Moana could seamlessly step in where another franchise might be waning in its Disney prominence.
At the time of writing, Moana 2 has grossed an impressive $717 million worldwide, signaling its strong resonance with audiences.
### Moana’s Ocean Magic Could Succeed Pirates of the Caribbean
Historically, the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has provided some of the most beloved ocean-based worlds in Kingdom Hearts. From Port Royal in Kingdom Hearts 2 to the expansive Caribbean in Kingdom Hearts 3, the pirate series has offered vibrant playgrounds for exploration. However, the likelihood of seeing another Pirates entry might be fading as the film series hasn’t seen a new release in years. Speculation suggests that Kingdom Hearts 4 could potentially look to newer, modern franchises, and Moana seems poised to be a fitting candidate.
Moana’s rich oceanic setting and its magical elements make it an ideal fit for Kingdom Hearts. The combination of dynamic characters like Moana herself and Maui adds a whole new layer for the game to explore. Although the absence of Pirates of the Caribbean would be felt, Moana offers a promising alternative. Yet, there’s a tantalizing possibility of marrying both worlds in one grand setting.
### Broadening Kingdom Hearts 4’s Ocean Worlds Across Franchises
There’s also the potential to intertwine the worlds of Pirates of the Caribbean and Moana. The Caribbean location in Kingdom Hearts 3 gained substantial popularity among players, and expanding this open-ocean concept to include Moana’s coastal village could be extraordinarily captivating. This approach may seem like wishful thinking, but it could elegantly introduce a new franchise without sidelining Pirates of the Caribbean entirely. Even though true-life Caribbean and Polynesian seas aren’t geographically close, the magic of Kingdom Hearts could unite them on screen. Besides, whispers of a new Pirates movie being in the works might reignite interest in the franchise once more.
As of now, Kingdom Hearts 4 has yet to reveal its release date.
For now, it’s unclear what Kingdom Hearts 4 will deliver regarding its world selection. Players anticipate a mix of classic and new Disney worlds, but the real question is which franchises will make the cut. Time will tell, but the potential inclusion of Moana into the Kingdom Hearts realm sparks undeniable excitement.