Recently, a Marvel Rivals player shared a clip online showcasing an intriguing incident involving Jeff the Land Shark’s ultimate move. It appears the ability ensnared a player even though they seemed to be outside its usual animation range. This has sparked hopes among players that NetEase will address the issue swiftly. Meanwhile, the game is riding high after reaching a milestone of 20 million players since its release.
An avid Marvel Rivals fan took to the web to highlight this curious case, where Jeff’s ultimate caught an opponent seemingly outside its visual range. While balancing among characters is often a topic of debate in Marvel Rivals, Jeff’s ability seems especially contentious. The community eagerly awaits NetEase Games’ response to these balancing concerns, as significant changes are yet to be seen.
Despite the frustration over Jeff’s ultimate, players adore the character. Recognizing his popularity, NetEase Games is giving away a winter skin for Jeff the Land Shark during their Winter Celebration event. Players can also look forward to a new mode where four Jeffs compete to cover the map in playful colored snow.
A Reddit user named ajlk1620 uploaded footage of Jeff’s ultimate capturing a player outside its animation. This video, shot from the perspective of Mantis in a practice scenario, clearly shows Mantis being caught despite standing outside the animation’s visual zone. This discrepancy hints at a possible issue with how the ability’s range is calculated. Naturally, this has raised concerns among players, as teaming up with characters like Scarlet Witch or using Jeff’s ability to sweep enemies off the map can be quite strategic.
The Reddit community quickly jumped into the conversation, with many echoing experiences of being snagged by Jeff’s ultimate even when they thought they were safe. Some even mentioned that flying heroes such as Storm and Iron Man aren’t exempt from this unexpected reach, which defies expectations. Thankfully, a crafty player discovered that Wolverine’s Feral Leap can interrupt Jeff’s ultimate, providing a much-needed counter.
Despite these gameplay hiccups, Marvel Rivals is enjoying impressive success, recently celebrating the milestone of 20 million players. The superhero shooter seems unstoppable, with new skins popping up regularly in the shop. Leaks have teased upcoming characters like Human Torch, Blade, and The Thing, suggesting they might join the roster soon. This anticipation fuels enthusiasm for Marvel Rivals’ bright future.
Marvel Rivals offers a thrilling superhero team-based PVP experience. Players can assemble a Marvel all-star squad and craft strategies by combining unique powers. The game delivers fast-paced 6v6 action in destructible environments, ensuring each match is dynamic and engaging. Players can create powerful team-up skills by coordinating heroes’ abilities, bringing unexpected twists to battles. Additionally, frequent updates promise to keep the game fresh, introducing new heroes and maps with each seasonal release. It’s an exciting time to dive into the ever-evolving world of Marvel Rivals!