Independent gaming platform has just announced that its next Creator Day is set for November 29. According to Engadget, on this special Friday, the platform is waiving its usual 10% cut, meaning all the money you spend will go straight to the developers.
Adding to the buzz, this Creator Day coincides with’s annual Autumn Sale, happening from November 27 to December 5. This year, the community has contributed a whopping collection of over 7,400 projects, featuring everything from digital and physical games to resources you can use to create your own.
The concept of Creator Day dates back to 2021. kicked off this initiative as a lifeline for game developers during the challenging times brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As Spencer Hayes,’s Director of Business and Content, explained to Polygon back then, “We’re grateful for the daily support of our fantastic community, and we felt the need to give back. Times have been tough for many, and this is our way to help out.” has already carved out a reputation for its developer-friendly revenue model, keeping only 10% from sales, which is notably less than what services like Steam, PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, and Apple’s App Store take. Nonetheless, by hosting events like Creator Day and spearheading charity drives, consistently sets itself apart from its more established peers.